Monthly Archives: August 2014

Hello Luke!

I’m happy to introduce a new PHDer: Luke Jaminet arrived in the world last Wednesday and has been getting plenty of sleep ever since. Here he is:

Luke sleeping age 3 days

For the first time since his birth Mom and Dad got a little sunshine and relaxation yesterday:

Luke-Mom-Dad age 3 days

We chose the name because Luke was Paul’s companion.

Luke has been long awaited and so far, much enjoyed. Welcome Luke!

Living the Optimized Life with Daniel Stickler, M.D. and Kendall Kendrick

I had the honor of appearing on the “Living the Optimized Life” show with Dr. Daniel Stickler and Kendall Kendrick. Check it out here.

A few weeks after we recorded this, we met in person at the Ancestral Health Symposium, and they were as delightful in person as they are on air.

Speaking of AHS, some peculiar photos have been appearing on the Internet. Pay no attention to any images taken during filming of Joe Salama’s annual benefit for the Farm to Consumer Legal Defense Fund.

Good news: we still have open spots for the October Perfect Health Retreat. If you want my personal efforts devoted to helping you achieve great health and long life, the Perfect Health Retreat is for you. Click on the image for more information:


My Ancestral Health Symposium talk on Weight Loss