Ask the Low-Carb Experts Thursday

Our discussion and book signing at the Harvard Coop last night was a lot of fun. Our thanks to all who attended!

Paul will be on Jimmy Moore’s “Ask the Low-Carb Experts” on Thursday January 24 at 7 pm to discuss “All Things Hunger”.

Jimmy is looking for questions on “the role of hunger & satiety on a weightloss diet.” If you’d like to help choose the topics of discussion, let Jimmy know your question or call in during the show.

We are available to add more speaking events (typical format: talk, Q&A, book signing). If you’d like to hear Paul talk, send him an email at

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  1. Paul and Shou-Ching, I’d like you to come round to my place right now and talk to my kids!

    Happy New Year, you’ve helped make it a better one.

    • Hi George,

      If you can cover our expenses, we’d be delighted!

      Happy new year to you, and thank you for all the insights you leave on this blog. It’s always good to hear from you.

  2. Please come to the Philly area!

  3. I wish you and Shou-Ching could come to Budapest one day!
    I wonder if there shouldn’t be (or there is) a slightly modified PHD for women… We seem to be different, especially regarding our hormonal system. My experience is that high or even moderate intake of added SAT fat or coffein ( coffee, tea, chocolate )can disturb proper hormonal functions.
    I would be glad to have your thoughts about this.
    I haven’t figured out how to get the book yet, however, I have read many of your posts and comments.
    Thank you very much for your work and commitment.

    • Hi Ikliko,

      We would love to visit Budapest one day!

      There may be some subtle differences for women. But I am not sure what they are. Caffeine sensitivity may indicate some nutrient deficiency in the liver inhibiting detox; fat sensitivity may indicate a choline deficiency. I think we need more experiences to sort out experiences that may be genuinely different between men and women from issues that are dietary or nutrient related.

    • Perhaps you have the SNP for slow caffeine/coffee metabolism?:

      I had part of my genome done through 23andme – and under normal gene expression I am a fast metabolizer of caffeine. Maybe you are naturally a slow metabolizer or are on medication/supplements that lowers your ability to metabolize it ‘normally’?

  4. Hi Paul
    Last year I was diagnosed with MS. I am 44. I have done heaps of reading obviously. During this time I discovered George Jelinek’s book which is about overcoming MS. He writes “If the fats in the diet are mainly saturated, then the cells behave accordingly. That is their membranes will be hard and inflexible and tend to stick together. … Hard cells are also more prone to degeneration, and degeneration is now known to be a key part of the development and progression of MS.

    …. There is another important part of the story. Fats form the basic building blocks of the immune system chemicals. A diet high in monounsaturated fats is essentially neutral for the immune system. One high in omega-6s results in immune chemicals which promote the inflammatory response, and one high in omega-3s results in chemicals which suppress the inflammatory response. Obviously, this will be important in a disease where inflammation is at the heart of the disease process.” He recommends limiting saturated fat to 25gms a day and a high intake of omega 3 fats. I have been following his recommendations for a year. I have just read your book now I am completely confused. At the moment I am healthy and fit but The possible outcomes of MS terrify me. I feel like i can’t waste anytime when it comes to getting my health right. At this stage I don’t know which way to turn. Can you please help me clarify the way forward? is there a balance between the two approaches?

    Many thanks

    • Hi Emma,

      I haven’t read Jelinek’s book and don’t know how good his dietary recommendations are, but he’s mistaken about the effect of eating saturated fats on membranes. Membrane fatty acid composition is regulated and the body desaturated saturated fats into monounsaturated fats to get the right ratio. It also preferentially burns in mitochondria whatever fatty acids are available in excess. Saturated fat rich foods like dairy include some monounsaturated fats. So there is no difficulty attaining the optimal membrane composition when eating natural foods.

      We also recommend achieving omega-6 / omega-3 balance, by minimizing omega-6 intake and eating salmon/sardines or the equivalent one day per week.

      The best way to assure a healthy membrane fatty acid composition is by eating a diet that minimizes total calorie intake by providing all the nutrients you need (nutrient dense) and that is low in omega-6 and sugar.

      Best, Paul

  5. Hi, Paul. I very much like you here and I like your idea re: eating.

    I don’t like your comments on the Carb Insane blog. I feel compelled to point that out. You seem a bit “preachy” over there. Maybe I’m reading you wrong or maybe I need to get it a break. Both could be the case but nevertheless I wanted to let you know in as direct a manner as I could since I like and respect what I know of you.

  6. Hi Paul,

    I just finished reading your PHD book (2nd edition) and was curious if you changed your diet at all when you found out you had candida? What do you think of the saliva in water test for testing for candida?

    Thank you and I LOVED your book. I’ve completely changed my diet and my daughter’s as well. My French husband is delighted!

    Do you have any cookbook recommendations?

    Thanks again for all you do.

    • I DID love your comments, FWIW, and people that support religious tolerance and free association are not likely to comment because we are not fueled by perpetual outrage.
      There will be those that want to embroil you in controversy just for traffic and attention.
      Just be yourself, it is working so far! 😀

    • Hi Michelle,

      I tried several diets for Candida. Very low-carb didn’t work for me, I think some carbs are important. PHD basically evolved out of efforts to find a generally healthy diet and I think it is very good for Candida.

      I don’t know about the saliva test. I found the visible oral thrush test was good enough for me.

      Cookbooks – You know my wife and I are working on one. Russ Crandall at The Domestic Man is also working on one that will be PHD based. On our recipes page you can find sites that have PHD compatible recipes, as well as all the recipes we have published here.

      But most classic cuisines can be made PHD compatible with substitution of ingredients, so I would go for gourmet cookbooks, they usually have excellent proportions of ingredients, and substitute PHD-approved ingredients for any forbidden items.

  7. If people traveled and looked around a bit, there would not be major moral crisis about ‘linking’
    outside their belief systems, in the course of dialog, because they would have a larger and more meaningful world view. (imo)

    • Thank you, Catherine, I agree. If we could only link to or associate with people we thought were sinless or who agreed with us in every way, it would be a cold, lonely world!

  8. The only hurdle to accessing this is of course human limitations and the fact
    that the brain does not function solely as a learning tool for the human being.
    At the end of each round read out the cumulative scores.
    They feature almost nightly drink specials and some form
    of entertainment every night of the week–DJ’s, live music, trivia, you name it.

  9. Ask the Low-Carb Experts Thursday - pingback on August 25, 2013 at 6:34 am

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