Category Archives: Podcasts & Interviews - Page 8

My “Total Fat Loss Solution” Talk

Seth Roberts died on Saturday, while hiking near his home in Berkeley. Aaron Blaisdell and others have written eloquently of this untimely loss. I’ll write my own appreciation of Seth soon. For now, my prayers and condolences to Seth and his family.

That news dampened my spirits, but some aspects of life go on. For those who are interested in weight loss, today is the day when my discussion of weight loss with Katherine Watkins goes live at her Total Fat Loss Solution summit. Today’s schedule:

Dr Datis Kharrazian:  The Role of the Immune System in Weight Loss Resistance

  • How the balance of bacteria in our gut affects our weight
  • How leaky gut makes it difficult for us to lose fat
  • The contribution of inflammation to weight gain
  • How foods we eat may be causing immune reactions and weight gain

Paul Jaminet:  A Perfect Health Approach to Weight Loss

  • How circadian rhythm disruption may be sabotaging our weight loss attempts
  • The benefits of intermittent fasting for weight loss
  • The optimal amount of exercise for losing fat
  • FREE GIFT – Perfect Health Diet Weight Loss Tips

Sarah Ballantyne:  Paleo, Weight Loss and Health

  • Sarah’s amazing story of how she lost 100llbs twice – the unhealthy and the healthy way!
  • Why the Paleo diet is so good for weight loss
  • How to follow a Paleo diet for healthy and sustainable fat loss
  • FREE GIFT – Paleo Quickstart Guide

This is an all-star lineup. Sarah is the author of the fantastic book The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body. She’s a Ph.D. scientist and one of the smartest and most careful people in Paleo. Datis Kharrazian is the well-known endocrine doctor and author of a popular thyroid book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms? When My Lab Tests Are Normal.

All three talks are free today! To listen, click the image:

Total Fat Loss Solution

A Tale of Two Summits: Weight Loss & Diabetes

I’m delighted to announce I’m a part of two upcoming summits: The Total Fat Loss Solution and The Diabetes Summit. Obesity and diabetes are conditions I’ve been thinking about a great deal in the last year, and also conditions we’ve had great results fighting at the Perfect Health Retreats. So I’m happy to be able to speak about them to a wider audience.

The 11-day 30-presentation Total Fat Loss Solution hosted by Katherine Watkins features me, Dr. Datis Kharrazian, Sarah Ballantyne, Amber “GoKaleo” Rogers, Dr. Johnny Bowden, and many others. There are free presentations each day from April 28 through May 8. My presentation is on the first day, April 28. That’s Monday!

The 12-day 50-presentation Diabetes Summit hosted by Dr. Brian Mowll and Jimmy Moore features me, Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. David Perlmutter, JJ Virgin, Chris Kresser, Mark Sisson, Jenny Ruhl, and many others. There are free presentations each day from May 5 through May 16. Mine will be the keynote presentation on Tuesday, May 13.

Here is Katherine’s promotional video for the Total Fat Loss Solution:

And here is Dr. Brian Mowll’s promotional video for the Diabetes Summit:

Incidentally, I’ve written an ebook on how to lose weight healthfully, and that will be offered as a free giveaway to those signing up for our newsletter, which is coming soon. Keep an eye out for it!

Paleo Magazine Radio Interviews Russ Crandall, Whitney Ross Gray, and Me

Tony Federico and Paleo Magazine Radio have put together a great podcast.

In Episode 30, Tony interviews Russ Crandall, creator of The Domestic Man blog, about his new PHD-based cookbook, The Ancestral Table; and Whitney Ross Gray and me about the Perfect Health Retreat.

I was honored to be the first repeat guest on Paleo Magazine Radio, having previously appeared on Episode 3.

Check out Episode 30: The Domestic Man and His Ancestral Table and Paul Jaminet PhD and The Perfect Health Retreat.

Podcast at Knowledge for Men

I was pleased to be interviewed recently by Andrew Ferebee for the Knowledge for Men Podcast. Check out our talk!