Angiex’s Upcoming Mission on the International Space Station

I think most of you know that the reason we haven’t been posting much the last three years is that Shou-Ching and I launched a biotech company, Angiex, in 2015 with the goal of creating a breakthrough cancer therapy.

Our drug is close to being finalized, and it is performing remarkably well. We have effectively regressed every tumor we’ve tested in rodents. There is good therapeutic margin in both mice and rats, and the drug is well tolerated in monkeys. There’s every reason to be optimistic it will do well in humans. There’s also reason to believe it will effectively treat the most malignant cancers, such as pancreatic cancer and liver cancer. The more aggressive the cancer, the better our drug works.

In the early days of the company, we applied to do an experiment in the US National Laboratory of the International Space Station, and were fortunate to receive funding for the experiment from Boeing and the Center for Advancement of Science in Space (CASIS) via the MassChallenge accelerator. We’re pleased to have received terrific support in developing the experiment from CASIS and BioServe Space Technologies. It’s now show time — the experiment is scheduled to launch this Friday, June 29, on SpaceX CRS-15.

CASIS came to our laboratory at LabCentral in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and made a very nice video explaining our experiment and some background about Angiex. We’re excited to share this glimpse at Angiex’s work. Enjoy!

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  1. Just today I found that my 2x breast cancer, 9 and 7 years ago respectively, has metastasized into bone and lung cancer. I eagerly await your treatment – hurry! I have lots to do and much life to love.

  2. How utterly wonderful. I just know it will be the breakthrough that has eluded everyone.

  3. I have June 29th on my calendar and will pray for your intentions that day and all involved in the study. Thank you for the work you are doing!

  4. Great news, congratulations!

  5. Paul and Shou-Ching, Congratulations on your inspirational work. I love this update. Please keep us posted.

  6. Incredible! Congratulations!!!

  7. Maureen Ewasek

    Very proud of your work and recognition .May your Space experiment be a great success. Aunt Maureen.

  8. Congratulations on a successful launch. Looking forward to seeing it reach the space station on Monday.


  9. Wonderful! I will keep you all in my prayers for wisdom and success. 🙂

  10. You guys are literally incredible. I am so lucky to have discovered your work.

    But: there is no way the elite-corporate power structure is going to allow a cancer-curing drug to gain mass acceptance. It would see off too many industries.
    Guys please please protect yourselves. I see intimidation, discrediting and perhaps threats to your lives if this goes too far.

    I *hope* I’m being cynical and conspiracy theorist-like. But I don’t think I am.

  11. The tide has turned and we have a leader now. Rest easy.

  12. Any experimental results you can share yet from the mission?

  13. Good luck slaying the monster! It would be great to see it defanged. It’s taken most of my family over the years, and just took a friend’s 17 year old son a week ago.

    You are indeed doing God’s work.

  14. Hi Paul,

    We are thankful for your work…when will human trials be available?
    Also, I’m trying the ketogenic version of your diet. Can you briefly explain why you suggest NAC and branch chain aminos with this plan?

    Bryan H.

    • Hi Bryan,

      Human Phase 1/2 trials will probably run from late 2020 through late 2023.

      Branch chain amino acids – several are ketogenic, they may also support retention of muscle on a low-carb/low-protein diet. Re NAC, I don’t recall where I linked that to ketogenic diets, but it is appropriate in many therapeutic situations for which people might want to try a ketogenic diet, e.g. migraines. Indeed glutathione synthesis which NAC supports has been hypothesized to be one of the avenues of clinical benefit from a ketogenic diet, e.g.

      Best, Paul

  15. Thank you so much for keeping us up to date on Angiex. What wonderful work you are doing. And thank you for Perfect Health Diet – life changing.

  16. Hi Paul and Shou-Ching,

    I’m so excited for this work you’re doing!

    I’m commenting here to ask for suggestions (in the interim, while we await the release of your cancer treatment) for a friend’s aunt who was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer 2 weeks ago. She was told she could get up to a year with chemo, four months without. She started her first chemo treatment last Wednesday but they were only able to do half because her platelets were so low. A few days later she went to the hospital where the found out her liver is now shot and they will no longer be able to give chemo. So at this point they are saying she has one week to live.

    I don’t know this family well and have never met her aunt, but I wanted to give them any bits of hope I can. My first thought was you guys! I never want to burden you all because I know you are so busy with research and getting this new treatment going, but aside from your diet, are there a few major bulletpoints I could pass on to her?
    Vitamins D, Iodine, Vitamin C?
    Anti-cancer herbs?
    Ketogenic diet maybe?
    Thank you all so much for all you do!
    So grateful!

  17. Any update on your progress?

  18. Dear Paul,

    Do you recommend any alterations or tweaks to the PHD in the presence of cancer, or do you rather view it as helpful in its original form as it aims to optimize nutrient intake and minimize and nutrient intake, etc.?

    • Hi Lilian,

      PHD readers with cancer have generally done quite well. The main effect of PHD is to improve general health and enable better tolerance of treatments; it also supports immune function against cancer. I do recommend a few tweaks, mainly reduced supplementation to avoid excess of nutrients that could promote cancer growth, and to avoid interfering with the effects of therapies. More of a tendency toward a food only approach, in other words, plus limited supplementation (vitamin K2, magnesium, iodine, vitamin D3 if you don’t get sufficient sun exposure) with nutrients that have consistent and strong anti-cancer effects.

      I expect to start blogging soon about Angiex’s cancer therapy (see which is initiating its Phase 1 clinical trials. Keep an eye on this site.

      Best, Paul

  19. Hi are you accepting patients in any clinical trials at the moment? My 76 year old father was diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the lungs. They found some tiny spots in the brain and he is going to have the gamma knife procedure next week and then he is supposed to do chemo and keytruda. He has many other health conditions including hyptertension, afib, high cholesterol, enlarged prostate type 2 diabetes. I’ve been reading about IP6 and myoinositol as well as mushroom supplements. If you have any recommendations I would greatly appreciate it.

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