Author Archives: Paul Jaminet - Page 17 Sale has become the world’s most popular resource on supplementation, with over a million visitors per day, thanks to the care and thoroughness with which they research the value of each supplement. If Perfect Health Diet’s nutrition chapters weren’t enough for you, is a great place to go for more.

This week, they turn 4 years old, and they’re celebrating with a sale: up to 40% off. The sale begins at noon Eastern time Tuesday. Their three products are:

You can learn more about the products here.

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

Joseph N. on the Perfect Health Retreat

Reminder: Scott Colby’s Ultimate Health Summit is live, and my interview with Scott appears for free today, Thursday, March 5. Check it out!

The October 2014 Perfect Health Retreat was a delightful experience. We had almost perfect weather – 13 of 14 days were sunny and warm – and the people were terrific.

A number of guests generously contributed written or video testimonials. Here’s one from Joseph N. of Houston, Texas:

Here’s what is provided in a week at the Perfect Health Retreat:

  • Daily science classes, led by Paul, explaining the reasons behind our advice.
  • Twice-daily cooking classes, led by Shou-Ching, teaching practical home cooking and meal design.
  • Thrice-daily movement classes, led by our staff of expert personal trainers, providing a complete hands-on training in all modalities of movement – including physical activity, relaxation and stress relief, and mobility and healing.
  • Delicious PHD food prepared by Chef Chris Gates, who has served as private chef for Steve Winwood, R.E.M., Carlos Santana, and Widespread Panic and for Hollywood stars.
  • Health coaching from Paul, helping to troubleshoot and fix any personal health issues.
  • An environment designed to model PHD advice and make healthful living easy.
  • A luxury vacation at the finest property on a magnificent beach, complete with two heated salt-water pools, two hot tubs, and the amenities and personal care you’d expect at a luxury resort.

Altogether, it’s a complete education in how achieve a lifetime of great health.

The May retreat has already sold out, and we’re now accepting reservations for October 10-17. The number of retreats is limited due to Paul and Shou-Ching’s other obligations, and we expect October to sell out early as well.

If you’d like to attend or learn more, visit our web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab above, or write Paul at


Scott Colby’s Ultimate Health Summit; and Paleo Bites, a new TV Show

Scott Colby’s Ultimate Health Summit launched this week. It has a lineup of fine speakers, including Ameer Rosic, Brad Pilon, Nate Miyaki, Russ Crandall, Dr.Susan Kleiner, and a number of worthy people from outside the usual Paleo/Primal community.

My interview with Scott will be appearing for free on Thursday, March 5. Check it out!

Paleo Bites

Sarah Ballantyne has a TV show! It’s called Paleo Bites. No, she is not criticizing Paleo — it is a cooking show with science and lifestyle segments. They’ve produced the pilot and are now shopping it to networks. Like all of Sarah’s work, it’s sure to be good.

Here’s the trailer:

You can read more about it on Sarah’s blog, especially here: Call To Action: Let’s get Paleo Bites on TV! She has a web form you can use to contact networks in support of the show.

Congratulations Sarah, best of luck getting Paleo Bites on the air!

Podcast with Phoenix Helix

Phoenix Helix, the blog and podcast of Eileen Laird, is one of the very best blogs in the “autoimmune Paleo” community. Eileen has rheumatoid arthritis and she straddles the autoimmune and ancestral worlds.

Especially since I’ve just done a few autoimmune-related posts, it was an opportune time and a great pleasure to converse with Eileen on Episode 12 of her podcast. Here it is.