Author Archives: Paul Jaminet - Page 29

Podcast at Knowledge for Men

I was pleased to be interviewed recently by Andrew Ferebee for the Knowledge for Men Podcast. Check out our talk!

Podcast on Prenatal and Postnatal Nutrition

I had the pleasure of doing a couple of events recently related to pregnancy and nursing: a webinar to lactation consultants on nutrition for nursing, organized by Jennifer Tow, and a podcast interview with Aaron Olson. Aaron has now posted the podcast, “Paul Jaminet on Prenatal Nutrition” on his new site, Natural Birth | Natural Parenting. It’s also on Youtube:

Russ Crandall’s The Ancestral Table

A fantastic new book has been released this week: the first Perfect Health Diet based cookbook. It’s Russ Crandall’s The Ancestral Table: Traditional Recipes for a Paleo Lifestyle.

Russ Crandall The Ancestral Table cover

I’ve been able to see and test Russ’s recipes since last summer, and they are terrific. Russ has taken traditional favorites from all the world’s cuisines, adapted them to PHD ingredients, and carefully tested and re-tested every recipe to make it delicious and easy to produce. As readers of Russ’s blog, The Domestic Man, know, following his recipes is a highly reliable way to produce a delightful meal.

Moreover, the book is simply gorgeous. Russ has a friend who is a professional photographer and this friend spent 4 weeks with Russ photographing each dish to make a spectacularly beautiful food photos. The book has ample white space and an elegant design. It is a pleasure simply to look through it.

I couldn’t recommend a book more highly than I recommend The Ancestral Table.

Bonus: Russ has a special offer underway through Saturday – a giveaway of a $200 gift card from U.S. Wellness Meats. Visit his blog to enter.

Full disclosure: Russ is a personal friend. We co-presented at last year’s Ancestral Health Symposium, Russ asked me to write the foreword to the book, and Russ has agreed to appear as a guest chef at the May Perfect Health Retreat. None of this in any way biases my judgment about his book. It is a must have cookbook.

Encore Day at PaleoCon & Perfect Health Retreats

Today is Encore Day at PaleoCon and once again (but for the last time) you can hear my talk for free. Please listen!


If you have trouble finding the link, an alternative path can be found here.

My talk is mostly about what we’ve learned from doing six months of Perfect Health Retreats. We’re very proud of these Retreats and the health transformations they’ve accomplished. We’re modifying them to turn them into a luxury vacation experience and a great educational opportunity at the same time. For more information about Perfect Health Retreats, now held on the beach on a private island in Wilmington, North Carolina:

Due to our various family, business, and life commitments, we can only offer two Perfect Health Retreats this year, so space is limited. The site we have chosen, the former vacation home of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, has only seven bedrooms. Two have already been reserved. If you are interested, let us know! You can reach Paul Jaminet at and 617-576-1753 or Whitney Ross Gray at and 910-763-8530.