Author Archives: Paul Jaminet - Page 30

Encore Day at PaleoCon & Perfect Health Retreats

Today is Encore Day at PaleoCon and once again (but for the last time) you can hear my talk for free. Please listen!


If you have trouble finding the link, an alternative path can be found here.

My talk is mostly about what we’ve learned from doing six months of Perfect Health Retreats. We’re very proud of these Retreats and the health transformations they’ve accomplished. We’re modifying them to turn them into a luxury vacation experience and a great educational opportunity at the same time. For more information about Perfect Health Retreats, now held on the beach on a private island in Wilmington, North Carolina:

Due to our various family, business, and life commitments, we can only offer two Perfect Health Retreats this year, so space is limited. The site we have chosen, the former vacation home of Kim Basinger and Alec Baldwin, has only seven bedrooms. Two have already been reserved. If you are interested, let us know! You can reach Paul Jaminet at and 617-576-1753 or Whitney Ross Gray at and 910-763-8530.

Podcast (on Youtube) with Aaron Olson

Aaron Olson of PaleoRunner interviewed me recently, discussing nutrition for athletic performance, and put it up on Youtube. Enjoy:

“Our Way,” at Clean Program

Shou-Ching and I have contributed a guest post to Dr. Alejandro Junger’s Clean Program blog, as part of a feature called “My Way.” It explains how Shou-Ching and I live — our lifestyle and our food. It has videos of me exercising, and photos of our home and food, such as:


Check it out!

PaleoCon & Ebook Sale

Two exciting things this weekend:

  • Scribner has placed the ebook of our new paperback edition on sale for only $7.99. If you don’t own a copy, this is a great time to buy!
  • My appearance on PaleoCon will be on Sunday Monday (it’s been pushed back due to the Super Bowl). Listen for free on Monday.

To buy the ebook, click here:

The complete schedule of the 25 PaleoCon speakers is here. For more info about PaleoCon, click the image:
