Category Archives: Good People - Page 6

Chris Kresser’s Paleo Detox Program

Occasionally readers email us and ask if we do health consultations for an hourly fee. We don’t. (We do our best to respond to questions however.)

We’re happy to refer those looking for advice to Chris Kresser, who recently launched his own alternative medicine practice. We have great confidence in Chris.

Chris has created a service called the “Paleo Detox Program.” Here is a video in which he describes the program:

The program starts in February. Here is a link to register:

Melissa’s Recap of the Weston A Price Conference

Melissa McEwen, host of the Hunt.Gather.Love blog and a commenter here, has a recap of the Weston A. Price Foundation’s recent Wise Traditions conference.

A few of her observations with my comments:

Stephan Guyenet and Chris Masterjohn are gentlemen as well as scholars. None of us will be surprised to hear this.

The Inuit eat a lot of plants. This was a finding by researcher Anore Jones, who has a book out called Plants that We Eat. (Thanks, Gary.) If you would like a flavor of Anore’s writing, check out an earlier report Anore did for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in 2006 called Fish that We Eat, available here. It has interesting information, like the fact that freezing fish for 2 weeks kills the parasites that infect humans. Maybe we should eat frozen fish instead of fresh fish!

A lot of healthy cultures used steaming and boiling. This is one of our recommendations in the book:  cook at low temperatures. Very high temperatures generate toxins. It’s never a surprise that traditional cultures developed health-maximizing practices. It is a surprise how quickly we lost their knowledge.

Check out Melissa’s blog for the rest!