Update: Printing of the proof copy was delayed a day, but it printed this morning and if it passes the printer’s inspection we should receive it tomorrow.
The book cover is:
This was also the popular choice. There were 11 votes for cover C, 5 for cover A, 3 for B, and 2 for D.
Honors for best guess go to Luming Zhou of the Organism as a Whole blog. Luming was not only the first to choose the correct answer, but also did an excellent job of guessing our reasoning.
We felt:
(A) Was too dark, and a pedantic attitude could be a turn-off.
(B) The apple is not our favorite fruit – I’ve made fun of it here and here due to the high fructose content of commercial varieties – and an apple is already in our logo, so we didn’t want to overdo it.
(C) The winner!
(D) Very attractive at first glance, but we didn’t want to give people the impression we favor a vegetarian diet, or that lettuce is an important part of our diet. Substituting other foods for the lettuce didn’t work as well.
We wanted a cover that would make people salivate, but also surprise them – to make people ask, “Is that yummy food really perfectly healthy?”
We strongly believe that a healthy diet is also a great-tasting diet. Evolution didn’t design us to dislike what’s good for us; quite the opposite. Any mixture of carbs and fat tastes great, and these macronutrient sources should be 85% or more of a healthy diet. We wanted this idea that a healthy diet should taste great to be upfront on the cover.
I mentioned in the comments that I would have liked a steak-and-potatoes cover. But my co-conspirators, both women, preferred ice cream and berries. It looks great – but rather a small portion, to my eye. Hopefully just right for many readers however.
Fantastic job, Monika! Thanks much.
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