Author Archives: Paul Jaminet - Page 119

Would You Like a Signed Copy?

All babies are beautiful to their parents, and we’re very happy with our proof copy of the book.

Books Will Start Shipping on Monday

We’ll be organizing our shipping instructions this weekend and will start sending books out on Monday. So early buyers can expect to receive their copies in as little as a week.

Signed Copies

When Ladybug asked us for a signed copy, we could hardly say no. Since we’re doing it for one, we thought we’d make the option available to everyone.

We would appreciate it if you give us something in return. If you enjoyed the book and believe it will help readers improve their health, won’t you consider sharing that information with others by leaving a reader review on

Send me an email ( if you would like a signed copy. We have to receive your email by Sunday night. Delivery of signed copies will be delayed by about a week.

Availability from Amazon, Borders, Barnes and Noble, etc.

The book will be available from online outlets. I don’t yet have a date for when that will happen. Until it does, we will continue to sell the book from our web site.

Bulk Discounts

Several people have asked about bulk discounts from the list price of $24.95. We will offer bulk discounted sales from this web site. The price schedule is:

Copies             Price per copy
5-9                  $20.99            
10-14               $18.99            
15-24               $16.99            
25-49               $15.99            
50+                  $14.99            

Shipping will be free to the US, Canada, and probably the UK; discounted to other countries. All shipments must be made to a single address.


We will be making a Kindle version and also a few other e-book formats, e.g. for Adobe Reader. I can’t predict when these will be available; I will get them done as soon as possible. The earliest possible availability is probably late November.

The Color Companion

Color printing is exorbitantly expensive, so the book’s pictures had to be printed in grayscale.

Because the food pictures are so much more attractive in color, we’re going to make available a free PDF download – the Perfect Health Diet Color Companion. It will reprint the book images in color, with some brief commentary.


We’re very happy to be getting the book out. I have to say, I spent a few hours this afternoon reading – I opened it in the middle and then couldn’t put it down. I think it’s an entertaining as well as informative book. We hope you enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed writing it!

For the Love of Tubers

Welcome, Food Renegades!

Kristen Michaelis of the outstanding Food Renegade blog asked me to contribute a guest post. I wrote a defense of the “Paleo” nature of “safe starches” like tubers, roots, and corms, called  “For the Love of Tubers”.  Check it out! Especially if you want to know why I’m posting a picture of a Pandanus tree nut:

Pandanus nut. Source:  Wikimedia commons.

“For the Love of Tubers” will serve as today’s food-and-health post; I’ll also do an administrative post tonight about the book.

If this is your first time here, welcome! We are excited right now because our book, Perfect Health Diet: Four Steps to Renewed Health, Youthful Vitality, and Long Life, is about to come out; the proof copy arrived today, and copies will be shipped to buyers within a week or two.

Our belief is that everyone should and can become a healthy centenarian. Diet and nutrition, with occasional aid from antibiotics, is the key to defeating disease and postponing aging. 

If you have a disease of any kind, look for it in the categories list. I welcome requests for post topics, and am happy to explore the causes and cures of chronic diseases. My wife and I spent years figuring out how to cure our own chronic diseases; now we hope to help others, and in the process help shift medical practice toward natural healing methods based on diet and nutrition.

Welcome and please make yourselves at home!

The Book Cover

Update: Printing of the proof copy was delayed a day, but it printed this morning and if it passes the printer’s inspection we should receive it tomorrow.

The book cover is:

This was also the popular choice. There were 11 votes for cover C, 5 for cover A, 3 for B, and 2 for D.

Honors for best guess go to Luming Zhou of the Organism as a Whole blog. Luming was not only the first to choose the correct answer, but also did an excellent job of guessing our reasoning.

We felt:

(A)  Was too dark, and a pedantic attitude could be a turn-off.

(B)  The apple is not our favorite fruit – I’ve made fun of it here and here due to the high fructose content of commercial varieties – and an apple is already in our logo, so we didn’t want to overdo it.

(C)  The winner!

(D)  Very attractive at first glance, but we didn’t want to give people the impression we favor a vegetarian diet, or that lettuce is an important part of our diet. Substituting other foods for the lettuce didn’t work as well.

We wanted a cover that would make people salivate, but also surprise them – to make people ask, “Is that yummy food really perfectly healthy?”

We strongly believe that a healthy diet is also a great-tasting diet. Evolution didn’t design us to dislike what’s good for us; quite the opposite. Any mixture of carbs and fat tastes great, and these macronutrient sources should be 85% or more of a healthy diet. We wanted this idea that a healthy diet should taste great to be upfront on the cover.

I mentioned in the comments that I would have liked a steak-and-potatoes cover. But my co-conspirators, both women, preferred ice cream and berries. It looks great – but rather a small portion, to my eye. Hopefully just right for many readers however.

Fantastic job, Monika! Thanks much.

Guess the Book Cover

I’ve been told that, barring last-minute surprises, the proof copy of the book will be shipped to us today. It should arrive tomorrow. Assuming we approve, we should be able to begin shipping copies shortly.

I thought it might be fun to show some of the book cover designs we considered. Can you guess which design we used?  Answer tomorrow.





By the way, if any of you are looking for a graphic designer, we strongly recommend Monika Chas, who designed our book cover and logo. Thanks Monika!