Author Archives: Paul Jaminet - Page 47

Toward a Happy, PHD-in-the-Mainstream New Year

A new podcast is up, with Dave Asprey on Bulletproof Executive Radio (download here). It was a fun chat, in part because Dave and I have a lot in common (although not, it happens, a bulletproof coffee habit.)

A lot is happening.  I will be resuming the “What’s New in the New Edition” series tomorrow, but for today I thought I’d post a few links.

Our Australian edition goes on sale January 7. I have not seen a copy myself, but a few special people have.

Australia’s biggest circulation magazine, The Australian Women’s Weekly, is doing a five-page feature. Healthierjane comments:

Just noticed that The Perfect Health Diet is featured in the January Australian Women’s Weekly. That’s seriously mainstream, WELL DONE.

It’s not yet available online or in print, but here’s the cover of the iPad sneak peak:

That model really seems to be enjoying our diet!

Back in the States, a few mentions are coming up:

  • On Monday December 31, USA Today will include us in a piece on new diet books.
  • In the January Vogue, now on newsstands, we are described as “Paleo Perfected.” They say, “The caveman and his eating habits … undergoes an adjustment in a new book, Perfect Health Diet.”  Yes, cavemen may now eat white rice!

What seems to resonate with the media is the idea of an updated, accessible, tastier version of Paleo. I think that’s exactly what we are, and I hope we’ll play a big part in the continued migration of ancestral diets into the public consciousness.

Meanwhile, Jennifer Fulwiler, who contributed a reader report to the new edition (p 11), has an update – she is pregnant and the pregnancy has been going very well:

Just wanted to jump in to say that I am pregnant with my sixth child, and have been following the PHD for this pregnancy. The results have been amazing. In fact, with all five of my previous pregnancies I had debilitating, severe morning sickness. On the PHD, I had almost none!

She has more details over at her blog, Conversion Diary.

A few other recent reports: Robert Nappi improved his ulcerative colitis; Donna improved her digestion and rosacea; Conor cured his rosacea and experienced improved energy, Jonathan fixed his restless leg syndrome; Laura is losing weight; and Evan is “feeling great in just 3 weeks.”

Finally, our thanks to every reader who leaves a review at Amazon. So far there are 11 reviews of the new edition: 8 are 5* reviews (thank you!), a 4* review is quite positive:

This diet has controlled my cravings. After almost 40 years of interest in and great benefits from proper nutrition, I believe this is as close to perfect eating as we can get.

There is a 3* review from a vegan who hopes that John McDougall or Joel Fuhrman will set us straight; and a 1* review from a low-carber who regularly churns out 1* reviews on Amazon and whose major objections are that our ancestors who ate starch during the Paleolithic have all died, his blood sugar rises for a few hours after eating taro, and we didn’t warn all readers to get thoroughly tested by their doctors before attempting to eat Cambridge Fried Rice. (Also, there was an error with the Kindle edition links which Scribner is fixing.)

If you have read and enjoyed the new edition, please consider leaving a review at Amazon. They do influence others and are much appreciated by us!

Merry Christmas!

We have much to be merry about this Christmas – our family, our readers, and the hope that our new edition will help many achieve good health in the new year – and, of course, the rose that comes amid the winter.

The marvel of Christmas is that God should come to us as a baby; and a baby bereft of resources – born in a manger, amid animals and manure.

William Adolph Bouguereau, a detail of the painting called “L’innocence.”

Perhaps the merriest news that Christmas brings is that no one is alone. Emmanuel – “God is with us” – comes.

Please, enjoy a merry and blessed Christmas!

P.S. — Our publishers, Scribner and Scribe, send holiday wishes:

Violence: Are There Dietary Causes?

Over at Psychology Today we’ve added a new post: “Violence: Are There Dietary Causes?

There we consider evidence that violence has recently become prevalent — especially in the form of indiscriminant murderous rampages, as in this data set collected by Peter Turchin:

The magnitude and timing of the increase in murderous rampages per capita looks remarkably similar to that of the obesity epidemic. Could they be related? Head over to Psychology Today for our take!

Carl Lanore, Superhuman Radio

I’ll be a last minute fill-in on today’s edition of Superhuman Radio with Carl Lanore. I’ll be on at 1 pm Eastern / 10 am Pacific. UPDATE: The archived show is here: SHR # 1111 :: Is Your Training Style A Fast Track To The Grave PLUS The Perfect Health Diet.