Christmas Gift Ideas

Still thinking about Christmas gift ideas, for yourself or others? Here are a few ideas.

Perfect Health Retreat

We’ve improved the retreat every time we’ve staged one, and it’s now a very special event. Perfect Health Retreats offer:

  • a relaxing and enjoyable vacation on a magnificent and almost-private beach;
  • a training in how to modify one’s food, lifestyle, and environment in simple ways to achieve a lifetime of great health;
  • one-on-one health coaching with me that has resulted in significant health improvements for many guests.

The food is outstanding, and you’ll learn from Shou-Ching herself how to cook great PHD food in 30 minutes a day or less – plus get online access to our cookbook (still in preparation). You’ll get one-on-one posture and movement coaching from our Head of Movement Jae Chung – his sessions have generated rave reviews from nearly everyone – plus 3 movement classes per day including a nightly course in relaxation and stress relief. My science lectures provide depth of understanding and motivation. Plus, it’s fun.

You don’t have to take my word for the value of retreats. In recent retreats, nearly all the guests have reported that it exceeded their expectations, and half the guests have been sufficiently delighted to provide video testimonials at the end of the retreat. Soon I’ll start sharing videos from the May 2015 guests.

In an ideal world, we would offer the retreats more frequently. The 2015 retreats both sold out two months early, so demand is there. Alas, Shou-Ching and I have taken on another project – curing cancer (more on that later) – which is consuming all our time. Therefore, we’ll only do one retreat in 2016.

The 2016 retreat will be held April 30 to May 7, and we’re taking reservations now. The price is going to increase on January 1, but reservations made by December 31 will receive 2015 prices. Also, room selection is in order of reservation – so if you want to come to a retreat, at lower prices than will be available henceforth, and in the best possible room, please consider making your reservation this month.

To learn more about the retreat, visit the various web pages under the Perfect Health Retreat tab, starting here. To reserve a room or for more information, please contact Paul Jaminet at or Whitney Ross Gray at


Mother Dirt Skin Probiotics

One of the benefits retreat guests have enjoyed is free samples of AOBiome’s Mother Dirt AO+Mist skin probiotic. I’ve been using it myself since May and have noticed that consistent use leads to a clearer, younger-looking complexion and the virtual elimination of body odor. There is reason to believe that restoring ammonia-oxidizing bacteria to the skin will increase nitric oxide production; nitric oxide is an important vascular regulator that may lower blood pressure and reduce cardiovascular disease risk. Readers have reported significant improvements in odor, general wellness, and the appearance of skin conditions.

Based on this experience, I can heartily recommend AO+Mist skin probiotics. To order, click on the image:


Ubiome microbiome sequencing

Another benefit retreat guests have enjoyed is UBiome gut microbiome sequencing. UBiome is currently offering a 10% discount on their sequencing kits: visit here for details.

Thrive Market

Thrive Market is a 2015 startup offering natural, organic (ancestral) foods and products at wholesale prices, delivered to your door. Their description: “Think Costco meets Whole Foods, online.”

They are specifically targeting the Paleo community and several Paleo leaders (not us) were early investors. PHD readers are likely to find worthwhile items. Click the image to check them out:

Our Recommendations Pages

We recommend a number of products we’ve found helpful, and many of the products on the following pages could make great gifts:

Or, just shop Amazon from this search box:

New Books

A number of our favorite ancestral community members came out with books this year. These came to our attention in a positive way:

I’m sure there were many other great books this year by ancestral authors. If you found something to recommend, please let us know in a comment.

Merry Christmas to all of our readers!

Happy Thanksgiving! Ebook Sale Continues, and Autoimmune Recovery Stories

The Perfect Health Diet ebook sale continues! Although the PaleoDork book event is over, Scriber liked your response so much that they’ve decided to contine to sell the Perfect Health Diet Kindle edition for $2.99 for another two weeks. Thank you, Scribner!

Unfortunately this is only valid for North American buyers, but if you’re in the UK, Australia, or elsewhere, simply change your Amazon address to a US location and you’ll be able to buy the US edition for $2.99. It’s almost identical save for the units (English, not SI).

We have much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving, not least the fact that readers continue to heal themselves on our diet. It’s always nice to hear a success story. Here are a few recent messages.

First, Dave has recovered from Behçet’s Disease and some other ailments:

Hi Paul

I started on a Paleo style diet as I wanted to ease my problems with Behçet’s Disease. I probably suffered for 28 of my 52 years with this auto-immune disorder and in the last 5 years it was hell on earth. I followed all the diet guidelines from my doctor and the health professionals and none of it worked. I took drugs until I almost rattled; no real help.

I went on Google to see if a different diet could help me. After a month of near 24/7 research I found many references to Paleo so decided I should try. At first it was only 80% Paleo as I made the adjustments. I reached almost 100% but allowed myself the odd day off (Birthday’s etc) to preserve my sanity. I read Mark Sisson’s book Primal Blueprint and that allowed me to change the diet slightly. I read books by Loren Cordain, Robb Wolf to name but a few.

I then found your book and was so pleased to read about safe starches. That was the hardest thing for me to deal with. I have an Indian/Indonesian heritage so white basmati rice was my favourite with the curries I ate. I have also come to love cream again, full fat organic which tastes wonderful. I was already a big fan of coconut oil and milk, I have about two tablespoons of virgin cold pressed coconut oil each day.

The difference? I was not trying to lose weight but I lost 16 kg in 4 months. My only exercise was steady walking which I built up form 1-1.5 miles to 8-9 miles per day. My blood levels were perfect whereas before they were all over the place. The change in blood work only took a month and my doctor was so shocked she ordered another full test. The next results were the same but she refused to believe me when I told her of my dietary change. When she still refused to believe me, I changed doctor!

The joint pain in my shoulders and neck has gone totally, my wrists were really painful and they are normal. I just have a bit of tendonitis in my elbows but I am working on strengthening the connective tissue to help that. My skin has cleared, no more folliculitis and just one ulcer in the last 6 months! No more headaches, no more IBS or nausea. No more “brain fog” and just the odd fatigued day.

I sleep like a baby for 8-9 hours, I have plenty of energy and awake each day feeling fresh and raring to go. I am starting to see my abs; something I was known for in my youth. People look at me and say “Wow, what have you been doing?” Many don’t believe me, they say I have the “perfect genes” and “I’m lucky” as it won’t work for everyone! Well my wife joined me and she has lost around 10 kg in weight and she’s not been as strict as me! Our DNA has changed less than 0.25% in hundreds of thousands of years but I am lucky because apparently I have changed my DNA….and so has my wife! Oh, my friend had dangerously high blood pressure so she asked me what I was doing and if it would help her. She looked sceptical at first but then I told her I am living proof. She tried it and lost 14lbs in a month. Her blood pressure is now normal – she is both stunned and overjoyed!

So my heartfelt thanks to you, I wish you and your loved ones health and happiness.

Kind regards,

Dave, Cheltenham UK

Amy has recovered from Common Variable Immune Deficiency (CVID):

Hello Paul,

First I wanted to say, I have been one of your followers for many years. I was on Intravenous immunoglobulin once a month for 6 hours a day. I was still on antibiotics all the time and could not keep healthy, and was unsure I would see my daughter graduate, she is 6. I had given up gluten, but it was not enough for my health, I still felt badly. I started eating for the most part PHD and taking supplements. As of two months ago, my body began making antibodies and I have not been sick since last march and I no longer need IVIG! So thank you so much for all you do. You make a difference.


An anonymous reader, who also sent us a fine gift of “Hormesis Coffee” (a gourmet roasted coffee), reports recovery from Post Finasteride Syndrome:

Hi Paul,

It has been a while, but I wanted to follow up with you and say thanks! You gave me some guidance (in addition to PHD) over a year ago regarding my recovery from Post Finasteride Syndrome (PFS). I really appreciate(d) the time you took to email me back with supplement recommendations and encouragement. There are many men who still have not recovered from the persistent side effects of Finasteride use. It’s truly sad. I am grateful to God and the nutritional information that I found on the Internet for my healing.

Finally, via Facebook message, K from China is doing better following our advice than he did Walter Willet’s; his blood pressure dropped 30 points in a week:

[First message:] This is the first diet I can do in China! Every diet I have tried had a lot of impossible to procure foods. My wife is Chinese ( I am American) and when she saw the picture of Shou-ching, she was suddenly interested. The fact that Shou-ching is Asian gives this diet some credibility with my wife. Before I had trouble getting her to sign on to my diets. Looking forward to full implementation. So far I have been on it for 3 days, and I feel great. My coworker even said, “man, you look healthy today.” That is before I even told him I was on a diet!

[Five Days later:] I started to follow Walter Willet’s diet about 10 years ago. I gained 75 pounds! He doesn’t allow potatoes! Or for that matter, any of my ancestral foods.

I feel that I was taken in by very bad advice. Especially now that I am struggling with very high blood pressure and other problems.

I had been having extremely high blood pressure until I started PHD, in the range of 170-180/105-116. This is on really strong meds. After being on PHD for a week, my blood pressure has lowered to in the range of 140/90 (still with meds, but I need to connect with my doctor to adjust if necessary). I also lost about 4 lbs.

This may give me a new lease on life! I want to live!

Thanks everyone for giving us so much good news to celebrate! Please have a delightful holiday.

Paleo Dork Kindle Event: Get PHD for $2.99

I’m very excited to be part of the Paleo Dork Kindle Book Sale:

Paleo Kindle Event

The sale starts Monday, Nov 23 sometime between noon and midnight and continues through the end of day Tuesday, Nov 24.

A group of great Paleo books will be $2.99 or less, including Perfect Health Diet. You may never see Perfect Health Diet at a price this low again, so this is the time to snap it up!

Here is the complete roster of books in the sale:

Author Book Title
Chris Kresser The Paleo Cure
Keris Marsden and Matt Whitmore The Paleo Primer
Paul Jaminet Perfect Health Diet
Melissa Joulwan Well Fed
Cate Shanahan Deep Nutrition
Carrie Vitt The Grain-Free Family Table
Caitlin Weeks & Diane Sanfilippo Mediterranean Paleo Cooking
Russ Crandall The Ancestral Table
Sarah Fragoso Everyday Paleo: Thai Cuisine
Bill & Hayley Staley Make It Paleo II
Paleo Parents (Stacy Toth) Eat Like A Dinosaur
Tammy Credicott Paleo Indulgences
Jason Seib The Paleo Coach
Liz Wolfe Eat the Yolks
Kristen Michaelis Beautiful Babies

Please join the event and stock up on these great books!

Video Interview with Joe Cohen of; and Optimal Performance Podcast

Back in September, I spent an enjoyable hour with Ryan Munsey of the Optimal Performance podcast, talking about PHD methods to improve your mental and physical performance. Here it is on iTunes and here is Ryan’s blog post.

More recently, I was pleased to do a lengthy video interview with Joe Cohen of Here it is on Youtube:

Thanks, Joe and Ryan!